Introducing the membership enrollment process for those considering enrollment

The World Camera Auction is a B2B marketplace for those working in secondhand camera retail venues, the secondhand camera exporting business, as well as private proprietors.
For those wishing to attend, regardless if one is bidding or exhibiting wares, one must first register as a member. Please submit your membership registration application with us in order to be eligible for participation.
For those who wish to take a tour of the venue prior to enrollment, please contact us and let us know.
We would be happy to guide you through the procedures of taking a tour both at our auction or at the preliminary show.
Taking a tour means that you’ll be able to get a feel of the atmosphere of the auction itself, as well as to get an idea of the quality and the market price of the wares up for auction.
Precautions regarding membership enrollment
Only those who possess a ‘secondhand dealer’s permit’ (kobutsu-sho kyokasho) are eligible for enrollment. The secondhand dealer’s permit must have explicit inscription that the holder is permitted to engage in ‘trading’ (gyosho suru).
If you are currently not in possession of said permit but are planning to acquire it in the near future, please contact us and let us know. Our office will inquire regarding your current situation, and upon the occasion that you are deemed sufficiently trustworthy, we will accept a valid form of identification in lieu of a secondhand dealer’s license.
Please keep in mind that we may reject membership to those who are discovered to have provided false information on their paperwork or if it is discovered that the applicant has a prior criminal record.
Steps to membership

STEP1 Download the application form for registration (Questionnaire also attached)
Please download the application form for registration at this page and print said form. For those who are unable to print at home, one can use the “netprint” ( services available at Japanese convenience stores to print.
All one must do is upload the data they wish to print online, and then download their exported items at the convenience store to print.

STEP2 Fill in the required areas on the form and then send to us via fax or mail
Fill in the required forms on the document, and then submit the form together with a copy of your secondhand dealer’s permit and send it to us via fax or mail. Please note that we do not submissions via email due to the fact that we must confirm the details of your secondhand dealer’s permit. A questionnaire is also attached to the membership registration form. We would greatly appreciate it if you filled this questionnaire in and submitted to us, as it will assist us in providing better service to you.

STEP3 We will contact you after finishing pre-membership screening
There is a preliminary screening process prior to enrollment.
After we have completed this screening, our office will reach out to you again.

STEP4 Payment transfer of membership registration fee
We will send you information on where to deposit the registration fee. The registration fee is 30,000 yen including tax. This is a one-time fee and no annual membership costs will be charged to you. After we have confirmed your payment has been transferred, membership enrollment will be complete. We will begin sending you information regarding auctions via email and direct mail.